Saturday, 24 March 2012

Your chance to join the "consultation"

Apparently the SAMDEV plan has been under "consultation" since the 1st March and yet there have been no public notices, no letters to residents and nothing in the local library. In fact unless you knew where to look for it, and even this presumes you have access to the internet, you would be unable to view the plan never mind comment upon it. Given that there is a closing date of the 8th June time is ticking away quite quickly and up to now all you have been able to do as far as contributing to the "consultation" is concerned is fire angry emails to an anonymous address at the council.

But that all changed this morning! We now have an online questionnaire, only 24 days late....

Of course this is still utterly useless to anyone who is not online which probably includes a good half of the residents of Ellesmere and anyway how would they even know about the plan.

Apparently the ever increasing shift to online consultations" is all about saving money, you can pretty much pin anything on "the cuts" it seems but frankly I find that a weak excuse. A couple of dozen posters would cost very little (*cough* compared to a final salary council pension *cough*) and I feel is the very least we should expect. So make some tea and fill out the questionnaire.....

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