Sunday, 11 March 2012

The View From The Path

There has been a lot of clearing already on the field border, a cynic might suggest it was in anticipation of result favourable to the developer, and the field is now clearly visible from the path around the mere. If nothing else this gives walkers a chance to see exactly how overlooked they are likely to be if the planning permission is granted and houses are built so close to the path. I have taken a couple of pictures to illustrate the point with a little map to show where they have been taken from.

This is a view up the bank from the path around the nature reserve, you can just see the chimney from one of the houses on Swan Hill to the right. The field extends just above eye level here so although you dont really see the field itself, anything placed on it (like 20 odd houses) will be in a commanding position above the pathway.

This is another view from the path moving towards the children's play area, you can just see the earth works to the left where the trees have been removed from the border of the field and the cemetery. We will move on to that as a part of the next post, there has been a case of a TPO arriving literally a few days too late to save a 200 year old oak tree.

You can see in these 2 pictures how thin the woodland is at this point, there is absolutely no screening effect from the trees and anything on the other side of them will encroach on the feeling of being in the countryside.

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