Firstly the council came out with their arguments in favour of development next to the mere, these being the proximity of the site to the centre of town, as they put it, the good access to the site and they also set great stock by the "opportunity this affords to extend the cemetery".
Franky it was difficult to approach the last point without seeming rude during the public meeting, to accept a 5m strip of land to extend the cemetery in return for building 22 houses is utterly derisory and I cannot criticise it strongly enough. This point certainly drew plenty of opposition last night from the 200 residents of Ellesmere who turned out to the public meeting and to be honest it highlights that this proposal is the result of some very questionable logic and merits investigation by someone.
If the cemetery cannot be extended into this field then so be it, we obviously cannot force the purchase, its been tried and didn't work, but the fact that it cannot be used for the cemetery does not automatically mean it should be built on. We should simply look elsewhere for a suitable site and leave this field be, in fact there is a discussion to be had as to whether the field should be incorporated into the conservation area to put its development beyond doubt.
For this site to emerge as a front runner from 14 proposals in Ellesmere beggars belief, especially since the town council came out strongly in opposition to this part of the plan. This certainly makes a mockery of the statement by Mal Price, the head of planning for Shropshire, in this article in the Shropshire Star where he states that “All the sites and all the figures being put forward, have been generated by the local communities”. No they havent, in this case it was put forward by the owner, a County Councillor from Berrington, sorry, it may be inconvenient but its a fact.
Back to the debate, I think the statement that this site has good access could use a few pretty pictures to illustrate the opposing point of view. This is the only route out of the increasing built up Swan Hill area, its a single carriageway road and as you can see whichever way you are going you generally have to wait for the oncoming traffic to pass. According to the Ellesmere place plan - "Employment self containment in Ellesmere is comparatively low, at 36.1%, although this is typical for a town of its size. There are fewer jobs in the town, at 1,167, than there are resident workers."
Anyone moving to this site would not be working in town, they will be commuting to Wrexham, Oswestry or Shrewsbury and therefore will simply add to the congestion at this point. This next picture is the access from the field itself, again single carriageway and this time obscured by the cemetery, we may not be able to extend it but we still cannot move it.
I simply cannot understand why a professional planning officer would stand in front of 200 people and argue that this site has good access. Dont forget this is not simply saying the site has good access as an aside but using the good access as a reason to put the site forward before 11 other sites in Ellesmere. I hate to think what the access was like in the other proposed sites!
Moving on to another important point and that is a quick review of the consultation process, the lack of publicity for this is well trodden ground, the lack of an offline option for resident to lodge an opinion has also been covered in previous posts and we, as residents, have had to step in and gather 83 written objections which were presented yesterday at the meeting. What is really important however is how the consultation moves on from here, if the Council are to retain any semblance of this exercise being a consultation this proposal must be dropped, its that simple. Here are a few points:
- 200 Ellesmere residents attended the meeting last night and 100% voiced their opposition to this plan during a show of hands
- Ellesmere's own town councillors came out in opposition to the plan
- The Chair of the meeting, Ann Hartley, Deputy Leader of Shropshire County Council, brought a halt to the proceedings because in her own words (roughly) "I can see this plan is not going to be put forward". If my quote is inaccurate it certainly captures the thrust of the statement and it should be appearing in the Shropshire Star verbatim next week.
There is another point which we need to be clear on, during a radio interview linked here (2 hours 17 minutes in) there was just a hint that the missing 3,300 Ellesmere residents from last nights meeting might somehow be in favour of this development. When you extrapolate something you extend the trend to encompass the missing data, 100% opposed implies 100% opposed when extrapolated. It does illustrate a fair point however, there is simply no substitute for everyone filling out the questionnaire although apparently its perfectly acceptable to skip the boring bits, I wish I had known that!

Also it was well worth studying the proposal for the extension of the quarry, although this development is in a less sensitive area it does butt up quite closely to the canal side and this is another area where the Council need to put in safeguards to ensure it does not encroach on the public spaces.
I think that about covers the main points raised during the last few days, of course there were many more very interesting issues concerning infrastructure, drainage and the scale of the proposals but I will like to invite anyone with a more complete understanding of these issues to add their comments rather than try to cover them myself.
Finally there are a couple of links to the radio interviews which were aired on the 3rd and 4th May
Before the meeting scan to 2 hours 19 minutes
After the meeting scan to 2 hours 17 minutes
Thank you for your sterling work on this matter, unfortunately I am one of the 3,300 who did not attend; work intervened. However this does not, as you say, mean that I endorse this scandalous episode in any way and to suggest so is typical of SC both Councillors and Officers alike. The meeting has prompted a lot of discussion with others of the 3,300. Of those I have talked to they are not clear how to object, they see it all as a bit overwhelming. My advice has been simply to write/ ring/ speak to Town Councillors, they are our local voice but will only become loud voices if they are clear that we the residents do not want this piece of land incorporated into the development plan. Please keep up the good work and the blog makes compelling reading once again thank you.
ReplyDeleteI appreciate your feedback, personally this is the first interaction with SCC in this particular sphere and although I have my concerns regarding their effectiveness, and I dont doubt you are right about past dealings, I am reserving judgment for now. If they allow this to go forward however I will make it my personal mission to leave no stone unturned in finding out how this proposal got on the plan and how it has managed to stay on. So far I have a single document proposing this particular site and that is the sum total of the argument for. The argument against is presented here, as you are aware, and although I am obviously biased, it seems clear to me that given the overwhelming opposition it has to be dropped or this was never a serious consultation and someone needs to be held accountable for the wasted time and money.
ReplyDeleteI think you have a good chance of success, firstly as a result of the “public voice” approach and secondly tangible evidence, something I never was able to get when I fought against a similar scheme in one of the villages on the outskirts of Ellesmere.
ReplyDeleteThere is of course a source of redress, in the event that there is a suspicion of maladministration on the part of SC. You can contact the Local Government Ombudsmen, ( but be aware that this is another long slog and must be evidence based, however they are there to handle such grievances, if the TC will also support this so much the better. I will continue to watch progress through your blog and support where I can. Of course if you want to keep up the pressure try asking for a request under the Environmental Information Regulations 2004 the Information Commissioners website tells you how, etc (
I appreciate your advice (as ever). I have already contacted the local government ombudsman and their advice has been to lodge a formal complaint with SCC which they will then pick up on if the issue is not deemed to have be dealt with properly. Its an interesting problem because each individual transgression is not sufficient to bring a complaint forward without seeming petty trouble makers, its only when you roll them up that you get a picture of a complete lack of respect for the people of Ellesmere and a complete lack of concern for the environmental impact if this proposal. That said I believe we might well be able to prove that the land owner was well aware of the nature of the "well used green lane" and if so I feel we will have all our ducks in a row so to speak.
ReplyDeleteI will go and have a hunt through the ICO website now - thanks for the advice.